Wednesday, October 10, 2007

If...Questions for the Game of Life Series

I have this wonderful little book that I bought when I was a teenager. I would sometimes take it with me when my sister and I would hang out with my hubby (not then, lol) and his brother. We had a lot of fun and the questions inspired many interesting conversations.

So I thought I would start a blog series answering some of the questions I find in the book. If you have a blog and would like to participate, copy the question from here and then share a link in the comment section so we can check out your answers.

If you want the book for yourself, you can check eBay to find If...Questions for the Game of Life. Or check it out on Amazon - Search Results for If...

Now, the question for today!

If you could teach your children only one life lesson, what would it be?

The power of words. I always knew growing up that words were powerful. They can easily build someone's confidence or shred their self-esteem to shreds. This alone is a good reason to watch what you say, but I look at if from a different perspective.

The Bible teaches that the "power of life and death are in the tongue" and that you reap what you sow. When you truly grasp these two concepts, it will change your life. Suddenly, those words that seemed harmless enough take on a whole new meaning. Phrases like "it kills me when she does that" or "I'm sick and tired of..."

Our words have the power to create or destroy. I'd much rather create. And since I, by no means, want to reap destruction, I think I'll watch my mouth.

So, what would you teach your kids?

P.S. You don't have to have a blog to participate, simply answer the question in the comments section. :-)


3beansandanut said...

To love God and have faith!

Vicki Arnold said...

That is definitely a great one!


Kathy, Jeff's Wife said...

To have discernment, being able to understand what is right and wrong. Although I think only God can teach that.

Vicki Arnold said...

Discernment, how true. So many people seem to be missing that anymore.


Betsy said...

What a great series!

I think respect for oneself and others is very important (besides having faith in God!!).

Vicki Arnold said...

Thanks, Betsy! Another good one. There are so many, it is neat to see what comes to other's minds first.

Thanks for sharing!

Kim said...

Vicki - I agree about the power of words. "Gentle words give life"!

Also, to love God and love others. That's a lifetime of learning right there!

Thanks for the great post.

:) Smartmom Kim

Vicki Arnold said...

Definitely a lifetime, especially when we are thrown curve balls or things we don't understand. I guess that's the definition of faith. :-)
